
Data safety

Back up your data automatically as per your schedule in our reliable servers.

Simple pricing

Predictable and easy to calculate backup costs with absolutely no additional fees.

Easy setup

Storadera Space integrates seamlessly with a wide range of S3 compatible applications.


Compatible with hundreds of S3 compatible applications

There are hundreds of applications that are compatible with S3 and thus compatible with Storadera.
We have detailed integration manuals available for many applications.


Our pricing is granular and you pay only what you use. There are no hidden fees or unexpected charges.
We make transparency a policy.



50GB data limit

  • Absolutely no additional fees
  • No minimum upload size limit
  • No minimum time to store a file
  • No upload charges
  • No download charges*

* Fair usage policy applies.
The allowed download amount equals to your stored amount.



No limit, pay as you grow

  • Absolutely no additional fees
  • No minimum upload size limit
  • No minimum time to store a file
  • No upload charges
  • No download charges*

* Fair usage policy applies.
The allowed download amount equals to your stored amount.


No limit, pay as you grow

  • Absolutely no additional fees
  • No minimum upload size limit
  • No minimum time to store a file
  • No upload charges
  • Monthly maximum allowed download amount is agreed with Storadera

Background CTA

Back up and store your data affordably

  • No hidden fees
  • Simple setup
  • Straightforward pricing

Testimonials by users

See what Storadera’s users have to say about us.

I was looking for a way to have a backup of Synology NAS to keep all the important data safe from any failure or disaster. Storadera pricing was really simple and affordable and I decided to give it a try. It was super easy to set up Storadera as Synology Hyper Backup target. It took only 10 minutes from the registration on Storadera homepage till the backup was set up. Now even if something happens to the Synology NAS itself, I know that data is safe.

Andres Pajula reviewer image

Andres Pajula

We were looking for a S3 compatible Object storage solution. The first you will find are all US based companies. When looking further for an European provider we found Storadera.
Pricing model is the same or even better and you are sure your data stays in a European Data Center. We now use it for nearly 6 months and everthings works fine. In the beginning we had a small issue but that was fixed quick by support.
We are now at a point that we will start using Storadera for our customers.

Marthijs Van Den Ham reviewer image

Marthijs van den Ham

Case studies

Freelance photographer

Kaupo is a freelance photographer and as such the amount of photo and video material he created kept accumulating at a steady rate. He used to only back them up to his external hard drive, but knowing that hard drives are not failproof, he seeked additional protection. To ensure that there were zero chances of him losing his photos and videos due to an unexpected failure, Kaupo decided to start backing up his data to Storadera cloud. To read more about the steps he took and the programs he used, click on the link below.

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