Follow the steps below to get Storadera set up.
1. Create an account here
2. Log into
Create an Access Key via create button or follow the link below:
Access key is used to authenticate you when you are using the API. Keep it private.
It consists of Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Write down or save your secret access key as it is shown only once.
4. Some applications require that you create a bucket before usage. Bucket is similar to root level folder in your computer.
Create a bucket via My data submenu or follow the link below:
5. Configure the application of your choice.
If it is possible to choose storage type, select something like S3 compatible or Amazon S3.
- Add custom server address (URL). This step is very important.
Or if it does not work, please try without “https://”
- Add your key details:
- Access Key ID
- Secret Access Key
6. Enjoy!