Cyberduck is a libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows.
You must know your Access Key and Secret Access Key.
One Storadera bucket must exist already. The bucket name must be unique over the whole system. Don’t be alarmed if the first one you choose is not available.
You can create the bucket on the self-service portal:
1. Download free program from
2. Install the program with Next, Next, Install method
3. Start the program
4. Click on Open Connection. Then select Amazon S3 from the dropdown list

5. Fill in the fields as below:
a. Server:
b. Port: leave as is
c. Access Key ID: <your access key>
d. Secret Access Key: <your secret access key>
e. Save password: keep it checked ✅
6. Press Connect and you should now see the buckets you have created listed under Filename
7. Start using Cyberduck!