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Displaying 10 result(s) for

August 29, 2023
Margus Danil

Storadera Opened A New Region

Storadera opened a new region in the Netherlands, Amsterdam.

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August 1, 2023
Margus Danil

Elevate Your Business as a Cloud Storage Reseller

The explosive growth of data-driven businesses has fueled the demand for scalable and secure cloud object storage solutions. As a […]

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June 20, 2023
Margus Danil

Storadera and Acronis Integrate

We have some great news – Storadera and Acronis now integrate! Storadera is thrilled to announce that Storadera and Acronis […]

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January 16, 2023
Margus Danil

How Much Does It Cost To Store 1PB of Data?

Let’s compare 4 different scenarios – on-premise (Cloudian), hyperscaler (AWS), Storadera cloud, Storadera Managed Service. Assumptions taken: Comparison of 4 […]

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October 17, 2022
Margus Danil

Latest Feature Spotlight: Immutability

Data is business critical for all organisations. That is also the primary reason why cybercriminals target companies – they try […]

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September 13, 2022
Margus Danil

Environmental Impact of Storing Data Locally vs in the Cloud

Introduction Some might think that what’s the real difference between backing up your valuable data close to you either to […]

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August 19, 2022
Margus Danil

Why Use a Feature Called Versioning?

Are you daily dealing with active data that is often changing? It can be as simple as deleting and adding […]

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July 1, 2022
Margus Danil

Storadera Raises €100,000 from DIAWAY to Challenge Legacy Players Like AWS, Google, Microsoft

Storadera has closed a €100,000 investment from the premiere builder of tailored-made storage and infrastructure solutions for ISVs DIAWAY. DIAWAY […]

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March 15, 2022
Margus Danil

What’s The Difference Between Backup And Archive?

We all have some data. The most common being emails, pictures and different kind of documents for texts and presentations. […]

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February 10, 2022
Margus Danil

What Is S3 Cloud Storage Backup And Why Your Business Needs It?

Business leaders that rely on remote workers are more vulnerable to threats and mishaps. Today, a company can be brought […]

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