Let’s compare 4 different scenarios – on-premise (Cloudian), hyperscaler (AWS), Storadera cloud, Storadera Managed Service.
Assumptions taken:
- Data is stored for 60 months
- Stored data does not require frequent access by nature – backup, archive, large media files like video/audio, database dumps etc
- In cloud scenario 10% data is accessed or downloaded on a monthly basis
Comparison of 4 different scenarios:

- Cloudian pricing is an estimate and based on publicly available info found from different blog posts and comments.
- AWS S3 info is based on the Frankfurt region but it is the same in several locations in Europe.
- AWS prices are for “hot” type of storage that has least restrictions and caveats on usage and pricing.
- All prices can be used as ballpark figures.
Pros and cons of each scenario:

Organizations should budget roughly at least 1M€ to store 1PB of data either on-prem or in the cloud. Discounts that organizations receive from vendors vary, in the current case typical sale prices have been used. Also, organizations have different costs for datacenters, but all prices are valid as ballpark for TCO estimations.
In the case of Storadera, both scenarios provide significant cost reductions.
Next steps
If you wan’t to test our Storadera then sign up for free account!
If you would like to have the most cost effective on premise cloud storage then read more about our Cloud Partner Program.