Amount of data out there is growing at unprecedented speed. Some predict that the amount of data created during the next 2 years is larger than the amount of data created during the whole digital history. Same trend applies to most industries – some more, some less. Regardless of whether you are in retail, education or healthcare (just random examples) – there is more and more data and IT organisations are constantly struggling to keep pace with this growth and usually finding themselves in situations where IT budgets are not growing fast enough.
This is also true that access requirements are not equal for all data generated. In every organisation there is tons of data which is not classified as hot data, meaning there is always a use case for secondary storage regardless if it is on-prem or hosted. Also there can be scenarios that currently business is not able to extract value from data generated, but it can be absolutely different in the future – so it makes sense to keep this data for future for example for future growth modeling where one part of the equation is also company specific historical data. Those use case scenarios can be many and therefore it could be tempting to keep this data. Also there are always backup and archival use cases that companies need to cope with to manage their risks and also to comply with regulatory requirements.
I’m pretty sure that periodically every company faces an important decision either to renew existing storage for backup software, extend contract with existing service provider or seek for new alternatives. Cloud storage can be one of those alternatives for example replacing on-prem storage for backup targets. Also it can be used to mitigate additional risks by adding an additional Disaster Recovery copy of your data or offsite archive.
You may wonder why there is a need for more cloud storage providers if incumbent players like AWS, Microsoft and Google are already out there and general perception is that this service is already cheap enough and why need to bother at all. But, have you really done the math by actually comparing prices?
We in Storadera believe that simplicity and cost predictability is key to solve this problem, which is why lots of companies are still afraid of cloud storage services. Storadera’s mission is to provide scalable service and at the same time provide very simple and predictable pricing. For our Storadera Space Premium service package you pay only 6€/TB/monthly. That’s all. It is that simple! No hidden costs!
Storadera Space is S3 compatible cloud storage service which currently supports most of the common use cases. In case your use case is not yet supported then we catch this information from logs and add it to our development roadmap.
Storadera has ready-made step-by-step guides on how to start usage of our service with most popular backup software applications and appliances like Synology, Veeam, Duplicati etc.
Take your time and test Storadera cloud storage service and you’ll be positively surprised how easy it is to set up.
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