Did you know that this week is very special in Storadera? We felt that our service is so good and necessary for everyone that to spread the word, we decided to hold a Big Sales Hack Week. During this week the whole team is doing sales. Yes, even the developers!
But we don’t mean old-fashioned cold calling to random companies, no. What we do is that we try to spread the word and communicate the value we have to offer. We all deeply believe in Storadera’s S3 compatible cloud storage.
Our innovative pricing model (the simplest one on the market) just creates so many new use cases. For example, if you have a NAS (Synology, Qnap or any other) at home or in the office. NAS stands for network attached storage and typically contains 2, 4 or even more hard drives. And typically it is set up so that if one of the drives fails then the data is not lost. But this can actually give users false assurance that their NAS is indestructible. Actually the risk of fire, flood, or any other kind of disaster or theft still remains. Another thing to consider is the prevalence of cyber threats nowadays – every 32 seconds a hacker attacks someone online. However all of these dangers can be easily averted – the solution is to back up your NAS to Storadera. The process is really simple, to see for yourself take a look at this Synology NAS example.
And keeping your data safe doesn’t have to cost a fortune, our prices are very affordable – for a smaller NAS it can cost less than 20 EUR a month! But that is just one example of many possible options. We at Storadera want to talk to you! If you are not in Storadera’s personnel’s friends list then you can reach out to us and we can give you good advice, just like we would to our friends!
Or if you feel like a tech pro then: