The penultimate team member to be featured in our blog series is the one and only, Annelise Randmaa. She is the culprit responsible for the new homepage design and pretty much all of frontend development. At the office Annelise is known for her appetite for condensed milk, but also for the little mini comics she sometimes likes to draw during long meetings. To read more about what Annelise does and likes, read her answers to our questions below.
Q: What do you do at Storadera?
A: I am responsible for the front end – meaning both development and design. However, as we are a startup I also do whatever else is needed. At the office I’m known for hoarding teabags on my desk as I do drink a lot of tea. My sweet tooth is infamous and my lunches are known for their shock value.
Q: What’s one thing that you like about working at Storadera?
A: We have a very chill and friendly team. And we all care about Storadera and work hard to make it better. Oh and we also have a super cozy office.
Q: What are you passionate about?
A: There’s many things but the main two things are definitely going to the gym and painting/drawing both digitally and in traditional ways.
Q: What do you yourself use Storadera for?
A: I use Storadera with Duplicati to back up my precious art and photos folders.
If you also want to use Storadera to back up your art and photos folders like Annelise does then please do try our S3 compatible cloud backup service – we have a 50 GB free trial!