Today almost all companies are using some form of cloud services. Either it’s Office365, or some file storage service, whether it be for backup or archive purposes. What about just rethinking the whole data storage strategy for your business – what data needs to be kept on-prem to never leave your „home“, and what data are you comfortable with having it stored by a 3rd party? The systems you need to set up a proper storage infrastructure are dependent on several factors.
Purpose of data storage strategy for your business
Regardless of your decision, it is a financial and risk management decision – the common storage approaches are to either to invest in existing on-prem infrastructure or to consider alternatives. Your business need is obvious – you have piles of data from various sources for what you need to have access to – for today’s use cases and daily business operations and also possible future ones. Considering cloud storage for your storage needs can help with the performance of your company as you will no longer need to consider the storage capacity of your on-prem systems.
Taking care of your historical data as a necessity

Even if this is not the case today, it might be in the future from a company perspective absolute necessity not to lose any data regardless of transaction type (of course taking into account all compliance and regulatory requirements like GDPR, Privacy Shield etc). Historical data can be a honey pot for informed business decisions in your digitalisation roadmap in the future.
Read more more about the advantages of S3 cloud storage backups here.
Data security as a part of data storage strategy for your business

Data security is one of the easiest ways to ensure business continuity! Any breach in this area has a serious impact on your company’s reputation – stay away from this and have a decent backup of your data to a secure location. Implement the 3-2-1 rule as a part of your disaster recovery plan with Storadera as your offsite backup location. You cannot predict a ransomware attack, a natural disaster or even a hard drive failure. With Storadera you will keep your data safe and secure, and give an extra boost to mitigate your business risks.
Read more about the 3-2-1 backup rule for disaster recovery here.
Storadera can help figure out the best use case for you

General understanding of your data storage needs and requirements has utmost importance for Storadera. It can help us to develop more aligned use cases for data storage strategy for your business and helps us to develop our feature roadmap of existing and new (we have several in pipeline) services. We really value your feedback to our service and we will take this into account in developing our service.
With Storadera you have simple predictable monthly costs, easy to use service, responsible team to help in case of problems, unique and secure service architecture, trusted data locations in Europe (currently, but we’ll expand) and an experienced team.
Storadera’s affordable storage accommodates data growth

Data amounts around us are growing insanely and effective storage strategies need to be considered to meet companies’ business goals. Storadera is ready to support your business in this. Perhaps you are already familiar with the fact that hard drive prices are growing currently and most likely it is driving your on-prem data storage costs up as well. Don’t worry – you don’t need to rely on physical devices for costly storage as Storadera’s business model holds and pricing remains intact. And it will still be approximately 5x cheaper than our incumbent competitors.
Storadera can support your data storage strategy for your business
What comes to your mind? Be specific in your use cases, trust Storadera and we will always find suitable data storage and pricing scenarios for your business. We know that we are unique on the market, but believe, we understand, that you are also – let’s find a mutually meaningful business cooperation model. Storadera’s S3 compatible object storage can be tailor-fitted to your business needs. Let’s map your business requirements to Storadera’s service features and start to improve your data security and cybersecurity posture – you are really close to it.
Don’t miss a chance – Storadera is here to help you!
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